About me

Hello, I’m Sirine, a registered nurse with more than 10 years of professional experience in healthcare.

While my career in nursing has been fulfilling, I have always had a passion for technology and the digital world. In 2018, I decided to pursue that passion and started learning web development on my own, starting with HTML and CSS.

Since then, I have continued to improve my skills through online courses and workshops. In 2019, I completed a JavaScript course through GA in Singapore, and in 2020, I attended a Web Development course at Astrolabs in Dubai.

These experiences have expanded my knowledge and honed my skills in the field of web development.

Currently, I work from home where I have the privilege of taking care of my two children. Working remotely has allowed me to balance my responsibilities as a parent with my passion for web development.

I am excited to offer my skills and expertise to businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence.

As a registered nurse, I understand the importance of attention to detail, organization, and communication. These skills have carried over into my work as a web developer, where I prioritize clear communication and thoroughness in every project.

Thank you for visiting my website. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help bring your digital vision to life.

I am based in Dubai – UAE and fluent in French and Arabic.

My Mission

At Sirine Créations, my mission is to help businesses of all sizes establish a strong online presence.

I understand that each business is unique, and I approach each project with a deep understanding of my client’s vision, business objectives, and needs.

My goal is to help my clients achieve their digital goals, whether that’s creating a stunning new website or updating and maintaining an existing one.

I believe that the best way to understand my clients’ needs is through a kick-off discovery session, where I can gather information and insights about the project.

I approach every project, regardless of size, with this same level of dedication and attention to detail. And, because I believe that user experience is crucial to the success of any website, I always conduct a quick usability test during our first meeting.

I’m committed to delivering high-quality work that meets my clients’ needs and exceeds their expectations.

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